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S area vascular treatment leg vein removal

S area blood vessel treatment leg vein removal Vein damage can be unsightly, which is why both women and men look for treatment options for them. The lesions can be very visible (long and bulging) or spider veins that are smaller, thinner and shorter (lines or web-like). Vasculaze can help alleviate many types of vascular problems in the face and legs with a laser directed at treating the vessel causing the problem. The specially designed head of Vasculaze is built to locate the blood vessel or network of vessels to be treated, which makes the treatments very precise and safe. Vasculaze's technology sends light pulses into the blood vessel, causing the vessel to gradually dissolve and disappear, making unpleasant incisions and needles unnecessary.

one procedure


course of 4 procedures


M area blood vessel treatment leg vein removal

M area blood vessel treatment leg vein removal Vein lesions can be unsightly, which is why both women and men look for treatment options for them. The lesions can be very visible (long and bulging) or spider veins that are smaller, thinner and shorter (lines or web-like). Vasculaze can help alleviate many types of vascular problems in the face and legs with a laser directed at treating the vessel causing the problem. The specially designed head of Vasculaze is built to locate the blood vessel or network of vessels to be treated, which makes the treatments very precise and safe. Vasculaze's technology sends light pulses into the blood vessel, causing the vessel to gradually dissolve and disappear, making unpleasant incisions and needles unnecessary.

one procedure


course of 4 procedures


Special facial treatment RF treatment Morpheus 8 Large areaL alue verisuonien hoito jalkojen suonen poisto

L alue. Verisuonien hoito/poisto Vasculaze Suonivauriot voivat olla rumia, minkä vuoksi sekä naiset että miehet etsivät nihin hoitomahdollisuuksia. Vauriot voivat olla hyvinkin näkyviä (pitkiä ja pullistuvia) tai hämähäkkisuonia, jotka ovat pienempiä, ohuempia ja lyhyempiä (viivoja tai verkkomaisia). Vasculaze voi auttaa lievittämään monenlaisia kasvojen ja jalkojen verisuoniongelmia laserilla, joka on suunnattu hoitamaan vian aiheuttavaa verisuonta. Vasculazen erityissuunniteltu pää on rakennettu paikantamaan hoidettava verisuoni tai suoniverkosto, mikä tekee hoidoista erittäin tarkkoja ja turvallisia. Vasculazen tekniikka lähettaa valopulsseja verisuoneen mikä saa suonen vähitellen liukenemaan ja katoamaan, tehden epämiellyttävät viillot ja neulat tarpeettomiksi.

one procedure


course of 4 procedures


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